Rogue Companion 1.0.0
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188.80 KB
iOS 11 - iOS 12 - iOS 13
1.50 $
4.18/5 (39 votes).
Please read first!!
Companion widget to download Rogue Theme. Depends on Xen HTML v2 or XenInfo.
This package contains only 1 icon pack. For a Theme budle with 5 icon packs download Rogue Bundle Companion widget.
First Steps
- Enable this widget via Xen HTML. (add it as background)
- Change custom options to your needs.
- Once placed on your homescreen tap the 2 bars button to open the theme section.
- Inside the theme section you will find a request (icons) and download buttons.
- Tap download to get the theme. (a safari window will be opened)
*if an error message is shown please be sure you have an internet connection then just toggle Reload Widget from the widget settings and try again.
Copy from Files app to Filza
- Once downloaded the theme it will be saved automatically to the Files app. (apple app) (if not just choose open with... and select Filza from the app selector)
- Open the Files app search for Theme-RogueOriginal.deb and open it.
- Tap the share icon (bottom left), from the app selector choose more. Scroll down to Suggestions and select Copy to Filza.
Install Rogue with Filza
If you followed the steps above the theme is in Filza now.
- Go to var/mobile/Documents (by default in Filza), tap on Theme-RogueOriginal.deb then tap install.
- Wait until it finishes installing (no actions required), then just go back.
- Now go to your theme engine (snowboard, anemone, ...) and enable it.
- Enjoy :)
Do you want to know how it feels before purchase? here's a demo with apple apps. (just the main theme)
If you need it for iOS 14 text me on Twitter.
Icons requests are only available via the Request button, social media requests will be ignored.
If you have any issue/question just hit me on Twitter.
Refund Policy
As this is a theme with constant support refunds are NOT available, please check screenshots first to be sure you want to get this theme.
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